Sunday, August 21, 2016

Beck Diet solution Day 6 - find a diet coach

I skipped over day 5 because it deals with eating, and since I'm not eating I can't practice, so I will circle back to it once I am in the next phase of this plan.

So todays lesson is all about fining a Diet coach. 

This may be the one area where my support is stacked.  If all I needed to succeed was to find a good diet coach, I would be at my goal weight now.  But having said that, I know that a coach can't lose the weight for me, so now that I am in a good place, I know I have the perfect people behind me

The program I am on is run by a bariatric surgeon.  He has studied the Optifast program in detail(from what I've been told he went as far as to go to the company that makes the product to see details on how it's made etc etc).  he is the one who can guide me through the weigh loss stage and make sure I am healthy as I go through this process. 

My personal trainer, has been also been my unofficial life coach for 6 years.  He gets inside my head, he knows when to push, he knows when to make me laugh, and he knows when I need a hug.  His continued support will be crucial in my success.

My friends from weight watchers - how is it possible that a few woman who live across the country and most have never met can have such a bond?  We all face struggles that are unique to being obese, and with these ladies I have found a place to vent, ask questions, or just drop in to say hello, and I know there is never any judgment, just a helping hand, or a hug. 

Yeah, this chapter I think warranted another look, but definitely does not need much time....

1 comment:

cdblueberry said...

Squishy hugs from across the WW boards.