Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 - The Journey Continues

"Happy New Year Everyone. When you are making your resolutions for the New Year, think about how nice we are to one another during the holiday season and resolve to carry this through the enire year. Think about how wonderful life would be if it were Christmas all year long! author is me on my facebook page

I am feeling excited this morning. It is the dawn of a new year. A day that we wipe the slate clean and start all over again, only this year I don't want to wipe the slate clean, last year was an awesome year for me, so this year I want to build on the accomplishments from last year. Here are some of the goals I have set for 2010:

1. Get my weight down below 200 lbs by June 5.

2. workout at the gym 3 times a week (in addition to the 3 days I currently work with my trainer)

3. Do at least 1, 5k race this summer and get my time down to 40 minutes or less

4. Complete my first triathlon(try a tri)in June-swim 375m, bike 10k run 2.5k

5. Complete a second triathon in August -swim 750m, bike 25k, run 7k

Wow, ok there I said it, I want to do an actual triathon in August. The race is on August 8, which is 6 days after I turn 44 years old! I know that this is a pretty lofty goal, but I am going to do it. I'm going to prove to myself that I can do it.

Now the hard part is not the actual doing it, it will be in the getting my body ready to do it, and that is going to take a lot FOCUS and a lot of hard work. I know I need to buckle down in the food department in order to achieve my goal so my main challenges are:

- eat out with friends only 1 time per month (making wise food choices and no alcohol)
- eat fast food (burger and fries) 1 x every three mos, or 4 times in the next year!
- No junk food. I am going try to just keep away from it altogether
- Eat non processed foods the majority of the time
- practice food combining, which I am still learing about, but basically not eating carbs with protein (I think)

Now I have to tell you I do love me some burger and fries and onion rings so this will be tough, however I'm hoping, if I know that I will be able to have them again soon, it may make it easier to abstain from binging.

Finally, as I was thinking about this morning post something came to me with such clarity that I thought I better write it down. I have spend most of my life trying to lose weight, seriously since I was about 12 yrs old, and I just kept getting fatter and fatter and that caused more stress, made me feel more like a failure and it turned into a vicious cycle causing more damage than good. But I realize now that you have to heal your mind and your heart before you can heal your body. This is definitely an ongoing proceess, but I am no longer spinning my wheels, I think this whole weight loss thing and what I need to do to get healthy is starting to become clear to me, and that makes me very happy and excited.


cdblueberry said...

I actually clapped when you wrote your fitness goals!!!

You know, and I don't need to tell you this, but you can make much lower calorie versions of burgers and fries yourself. Or try veggie burgers!

And it's true, it's not only the body that needs the healing it's the mind and the spirit.

Unknown said...

Blue, I should have clarified, i will probably still make veggie burgers and oven fries at home, but it's just not the same as a Whopper with cheese and large fries, or even better a Licks burger and large side of onion rings. I am going to try and retrain my binge tendancies so instead of eating burger king 2x a week , I will have planned Burger King days, every three months.

cdblueberry said...

lol, we are too alike you know.

I had to go on Dec 30 and get a BK veggie burger and onion rings before I joined meetings on Dec 31 :)

What's worse is that I'm not supposed to have soy and I was in agony that night which I knew I would be but I wanted that grilled burger.

cdblueberry said...

By the way, I started another blog with pics. It's something I've been thinking about for a while but your comment about me not posting a picture spurred me into action.

I feel strange that you, Nic, Seph and a few others don't know my real name or what I look like.

So, if you are interested email me (I won't be insulted if you aren't!)

I have it closed and the only way someone is able to view is if I email them an invite. I don't know any other way around that.

Nicole said...

We will be with you all the way!!!

and CD please invite me....but I'm currently logged in under the hubby's profile (call it laziness)

email is mcandren at eastlink dot ca

Joania said...

Sharon!! Awesome fitness goals especially the triathlon in August!! YOU ROCK!! All the way Sharon, you can and will do it!! I will be "trying a tri" but I don't know about the full TRI as yet...I may change my mind as we go later on in the year!! I'm so proud of you!!! All the best in 2010. I am so looking forward to following your journey! Take care hon.