Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Name is Sharon and I am a binge eater!

Two days into the New Year and I already had my first binge. I am dissapointed in myself. I went to the trouble of cleaning our my kitchen of leftover Christmas treats, chocolates etc and yet I had an uncontrolable urge to eat pizza and chips and dip yesterday *sigh* I literally got dressed went to the grocery store, bought pizza, chips and dip for both the chips and the pizza and came back home.

Later in the evening I downloaded an audio broadcast of a binge eating workshop (thanks CDB) and started listening to it last night. The stuff that they talk about defines me to a "t". I think I need to fully emerse myself in finding out what it is that triggers my binges and then find a way to overcome them. If I don't I fear that all of the hard work of the last year will be in vain.

Hmmmmmm the Journey continues..... indeed!


cdblueberry said...

I wish I had some magic words or knew what to do.

"I think I need to fully emerse myself in finding out what it is that triggers my binges and then find a way to overcome them."

<--This is the only way to deal with it in the long run. I just don't know how to go about that.

cdblueberry said...

Well, I thought on it, I guess I do know how to go about starting.

Contacting the EAP has made such a huge difference even though nothing has really changed.

Just having a professional say, you aren't crazy. This is a disorder and we are going to work on fixing it.

I don't know what I'm saying here but I guess I'm saying just knowing that I'm looking for the answers and looking for help is in and of itself helping.

So, even though I bristled over the past few years when someone would suggest speaking to a counsellor, that's what I'm going to do :)

***** Guess what the verification word is? Bluetrout! That's me! My mom always called me trout because I loved being in the water so much :)

<--uber geek

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post CD, err I mean blue trout, and I am sure it won't surprise you to know as a kid I spent most of my summers swimming! lol

Reaching out for help really is the first step. I know I have jumbled up thoughts inside me that I just can seem to get straight at the moment. It's as if all of my clear thoughts and all the answers are caught in a giant tornado, spinning out of control and out of reach. I just have to be patient and wait for the wind to lesson and for everything to settle :P

If you ever want to talk at about this stuff, add me on MSN -tito3298@hotmail,com - if you don't want to talk about it, or don't want to add me, no worries, I totally get it....

Sephgirl said...

Sharon, it is so tough to find out what triggers the binging but I agree that it is key to long-term weight maintenance. It has been an ongoing struggle for me as well. I am counting down to rejoining WW and in the meantime, it seems to me that I am a bit out of control too - want to eat all that I won't be able to eat. Why is there always a sense that I won't get enough? There is always more than enough and yet that feeling persists.

Anyhow, I digress. Hang in there. You are on the right track and focusing on the root will take care of the rest. :)