Monday, October 26, 2009

Dina jumps

If anyone is following the Biggest Loser, you will recall Dina and the mental block she had when it came to doing the standing jump up onto the box.... so this morning I saw the box at the gym and was telling my trainer about the show and Dina etc and he said oh you can easily do that,,,,, so my response was "um well you know I have to try before I leave today right".

So in order to build up to the height of the box (16 inches to be exact) he used a regular step, just putting the top layer on the floor and I jumped up on to it.... Then he steadily increased the height until I was doing a jump up at the same height as the box.... but then to add another challenge, he said see how many you can do in 1 minute...... I did 17!

An even bigger challenge came my way this morning..... my trainer asked if I had a swim suit! Ummmm he wants to train me in the pool on Friday!..... ugggggggghhhhhhhh now that terrifies me. Not swimming, it's the putting on a swimsuit part that terrifies me.....

Other than that, I did a full arm cycle today, and have already been warned that I will probably not be able to bend my arms for the next two days..... wednesday is core day, and I'm sure there are many many sit ups in my future....


Nicole said...


Go Sharon..go Sharon...

cdblueberry said...

Okay, when I went to the pool for the first time, at around 420 in a bathing suit, I literally chanted
"brave girl brave girl brave girl" over and over.

lol, I think I may have for the first 6 months ;)

It's not that bad. If you can run a 5km, you can wear a bathing suit!

Unknown said...

Thanks Nic...

You're absolutely right Blue, if I can run a 5k surely I can put on a darn swim suit.... I will repeat brave girl over and over