Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 2 (again)

And I say *again* because I started my new low carb eating plan on Saturday, and on Saturday night asomething happened - that little voice crept into my head saying I was going to fail at this and I may as well just eat now - better to never try than to try and fail and all that bullshit! I found myself on a carb bender - I made white spaghetti (with a cream sauce - um yeah, I'm lactose intolerent) and ate two huge bowls..... FAIL!
But yesterday I woke up and re-grouped and began day 1 again..... for all you golfers (the not so serious ones) I took a mulligan - a do over! I made it through the day nicely yesterday, drank tons of water, kept my carb intake right aroung 20 g and did not cave to any voices in my head.
This morning I woke up and jumped on the scale and my weight is saying I am down 4.5lbs since yesterday morning... Is it all water, yup, do a care as long as I am down. nope.
Today, I am racking up my mountain bike and heading out to meet some friends for our first off road biking session of the year. I'm going to bring my camera and try to take a few pictures of the day.
I just hope to remain verticle today :)
UPDATE: headed out for about 2 hours today. I was tired 5 minutes in but managed to keep going. Big problem was that I am not eating carbs, and didn't eat breakfast before I went and well I was completely exhausted half way through. Food was good taoday, my friends made a low carb protein filled lunch for when I got back :) carb intake 25. Really need to make sure I have some protein before I go next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to get my little voice and your little voice together and push 'em down a volcano.

Have a great bike ride!