Monday, April 25, 2011

Switching gears a bit

Yesterday's results
calories in: 1140
Calories out: 2228
Daily deficit"1088
Weekly total deficit:1088

I have been spinning my wheels for quite some time now and decided to cancel my w.w. memebership. I have been doling out $50.00 a month and haven't been to a class in months nor have I been using the on-line tracker.

I am going to try an simplify things and see where that takes me. I have joined the Live Strong site, which has a great format for tracking food and exercise and I also pulled out my body bugg again to track calories burned. I am simply tracking calories in vs calories out and see if I can get my weight loss started again.

I've also done some research into binge eating disorder and ordered some books that deal with this, so I hope to put into words some thoughts about this once I start reading.

I know there is a way to break through whatever barrier is keeping me from losing weight, I just need to figure it out already...

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