Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daily track

Yesterday's results
calories in: 1192
Calories out: 2596
Daily deficit:1404
Weekly total deficit: 2492

So by the end of today, my deficit will add up to a 1 lb weight loss. I think maybe I need to actually see the numbers in front of me, rather than the points system used for w.w. Hmmmm at least I am once again focused on weight loss.

Yesterday I (me who does not do veggies very well) made baby bok choy to go with my salmon and rice. I also roasted a butternut squash and had some of that too. Oh and I bought a new fruit (new to me)called a dragon fruit. It was really good!

I do feel like I am going through some withdrawal symtoms today though. I feel a bit tired, have a massive headache and just feeling achy all over. I hope this is from the sugar withdrawal.

I didn't make it to the gym this morning, but I will try to get in there tonight to at least walk on the treadmill. My body is sore from TRX training yesterday, and tomorrow I will be doing circuit training, and my very first spin class tomorrow night.(thanks for the little nudge Tanya!)


K-Mom said...

I did not know you were off WW. I am going to try it for a while at the minimum points (29) to see if I can kick start my system again.

I am back at blogging also!

Unknown said...

Hey MS. I am still on the w.w. boards, I've just cancelled my on-line/meeting subscription. Love your hair :)