Friday, April 15, 2011

Self doubt, PMS and some awesome news

So today is Friday which has become my favourite day of the week. Not only is it the final day of the work week but it is also BOXING DAY for me at the gym.

So today I arrived late, so did not have time to do my recomended 60 minutes of cardio prior to my Personal Training session. This was mistake #1. My trainer was pissed mainly because I was late on Wednesday as well and we didn't work out on Monday, so I have been lacking in the cardio department and he has worked very hard over the last month to increase my cardio.

Anyway we start our boxing session and he was unusually quiet today. I am thinking he was mad at me and all kinds of self doubt crept into my mind. Fear that I am failing him, letting him down - letting ME down. Now add to the mix the fact that I am PMS'ing and I generally don't get bitchy, I get weepy-lol. Fast forward to round three, I failed to keep my gloves in front of my face and BAM, I got punched in the nose. Now it hurt, but not that badly, but at that moment all my self doubt, fear of failure, and fear that I was just no good overwhelmed me and I broke out in tears. Finally, I pulled myself together and got back into it and finished the boxing portion of the session...

I hit the mats to finish my core training (sit up) session when my trainer was standing over me and said that I just completed my absolute BEST boxing session yet! WTF!!! ! I know there is a lesson buried in here somewhere but I have yet to figure out what it is.

Oh and the awesome news that next week is the grand re-opening of the gym that I go to. Thay have been renovating for about 6 mos now. My trainer asked me to come in next week for the grand opening as he wanted to "showcase" my kickboxing. I'm not quite sure what this will entail but I do know that I am pretty darn excited (and nervous) to go and fight in front of a group of random people..... Hopefully I will inspire someone to take a chance, to stand up to their fears and go for it.

"You either move toward something you love or away from something you fear. The first expands. The second constricts."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is awesome news! I am sure you will inspire people to try.

Okay, I like the calorie burn of boxing but not so much the idea of being punched in the face. You are far braver than me!