Sunday, April 11, 2010

One week until I climb- and last week in review

So by this time next week, I will be writing about my experience climbing the CN Tower. I feel very calm and confident about this challenge which actually is the biggest victory for me. I know I will make it, even though I know it won't be easy, I know I can do it, and this change of mind set is really amazing. This week at the gym I will be doing the stair climber on Monday, once again doing the equivalent of the tower..... Wednesday boxing (conditioning) and Friday the bike. Other than that I will make sure I am eating well this week, no eating out, no alcohol, and get lots of rest.

Last week was a disaster food wise, I think I ate out every night for a week. Luckily, my weight has not sky rocketed and I did try to make healthy choices at most of those meals.

Fitness wise, I am happy to report that I was able to actually spar with my trainer on Friday. He donned his boxing gloves and started teaching me blocking techniques. After getting clocked in the nose 2 times, I certainly understand the value of learning how to block punches. My trainer felt bad about connecting with my nose on two occasions (even though it didn't really hurt, but don't tell him that-lol) so much so that he texted me in the afternoon to see how my nose was..... I replied not to worry, I was fine...... and then added that the Dr. said the broken nose would heal nicely and the black eyes should be gone within a few days- hahaha, I am such a shit!

Personally, every thing is going well, I am enjoying the company of friends and looking forward to getting out and mingling a bit more as the warm weather approaches.

1 comment:

cdblueberry said...

lol, this pt literally beats the heck out of you doesn't he?

Good luck with the climb!