Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday check in

Plugging along this week. Doing pretty good... hit the gym yesterday (my day off from personal training) and did eliptical, stir climbing and then a quick swim. Food intake was great yesterday too.

Today, I did an upper arm workout, which was awesome. I think I did about 130 modified push ups and 260 sit ups in between my weight cycles. Sheesh, I can really feel the fatigue in my abs and thighs right now.

Before my actual training session, I did 20 minutes on the eliptical and 30 floors on the stair claimber. The stair climber is still an actual torture chamber in my book. At around floor number 20, a pool of sweat starts to form from the sweat dripping off my face.... Today I notice a flow of sweat down the side of the machine which kind of startled me for a moment until I realize it if from sweat dripping off of my forearm - my forearm for *G* sake!

Anyway, food intake was good today, but I ate a bit too much basmati rice with my dinner and feel a bit bloated now. Will flush it out with water!

1 comment:

Sephgirl said...

Wow, GFG. Everytime I read about your workouts, I feel so inspired. Currently I'm not inspired enough to hit the treadmill and weights, but it's a start! :)