Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Surprisingly I was able to stay away from the kitchen last night..... I think I even sulked a little bit at the fact that I wanted a coffee last night but refused to have one. I know it's small thing, but it's not really about the coffee is it...

So while I wasn't perfect yesterday (and really don't expect to ever be perfect) I think I was at least aware of what I was eating and that's a start. Stayed within my caloric intake and worked out for 2 hours....

Today I will try again to reduce my coffee intake and drink more water, and will try and get to the gym tonight. Of course I will continue with the say no experiment.

Hit the gym this morning for 1 hour and I did:
-20 minutes on the octane machine
-15 floors on the stair climber
-10 minutes on the treadmill- walking at 3.5 mph
- 100 situps
-various stretches, plank position etc (only for about 5 minutes)

That's it......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A two hour workout and within calorie sounds perfect to me!!

Good work chicky!