Sunday, November 8, 2009

Milestone reached!

Just a quick post, just home from my shopping trip in Pennsylvannia, which I will post about tomorrow, but I just wanted to get in here and write a note to say that today is the one year anniversary of the date the I quit smoking. Wow a whole year has gone by, I cannot believe it. I will write about the many changes in the year in another post, but I found an old post from last year, at that point I was smoke free for 50 days at that time, but I found it interesting to read the excitement that I felt at that time, and also the strength that I gained from knowing that I was actually able to change something that i set out to change about myself.

Here is a link to the post to anyone who might be interested.


Nicole said...

WOOHOO!! One whole year Sharon that's absolutely wonderful!!! Think of just how many more years you've added by doing that one thing!!!

You rock!

Pauline said...

Congrats on one year smoke free.

cdblueberry said...