Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Gym Day ***UPDATE***

I LOVED THE GYM!!!!!!! ha ha. Just a short note to express my feelings, I did all of the machines that I used yesterday. I did a 5 min warm up on the elliptical machine (nearly killed me) and also walked on the treadmill for 30 mins. The speed varied from 2.5 mph to 5 mph, BUT BUT BUT get this. I asked my friend to kick hers up to 7mph just so I could see what Dan was doing (Dan from the Biggest Loser) and then she said, do you want to try AND I DID IT!.

I know it is only the first night but right now I am feeling good!!!!

Must shower and sleep now.


Nicole said...

Keep it up!!!
The more you use it, the more you'll grow to love it!!!

Just like kids *laughs*

cdblueberry said...

Yay! I hope one day to be brave enough to join the gym!