Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back on track Part II

A few weeks ago when I did my first weigh in at the gym and my trainer reviewed my food diary, he made a few suggestions which I decided to document here and put into practice for the next few weeks (to begin with).

The first is to take a vitamin/mineral supplement. I am very good at buying them, just not good at taking them. They are usually huge and I have a hard time swallowing them. Today I am going to the health store and see if I can find a liquid form of the supplement.

Next is an Omega 3-6-9 pill, which my trainer advised will speed up my body's ability to burn fat. I have googled this and there seems to only be health benefits to taking this so I will give it a try.

Finally, I am going to refrain from eating carbs and protein together. Again this was suggested to me by my trainer, apparently carbs are broken down in your mouth, while protein doesn't start breaking down until it is in your stomach and eating these together slows down the body's ability to break them down (or something like that!)

So these are my goals. I will try them out and write about what I find out and if there are any changes to my weight loss or energy levels.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm totally with you on the size of multi vitamins these days. I have to actually break mine in pieces and take them little by little. It is a job of work to take them....