Thursday, January 12, 2012

plugging along

I feel like I have gotten into a grove food wise since the New Year. I am eating healthy and my daily caloric intake is right about 1400 calories. I am eating healthy food and an never hungry. I've even managed to eat out a few times and make healhy choices and stay within my daily calories.

Exercise wise, I am getting better, but am still trying to get over my back/hip injury. I am beginning to think that the "rip" I felt in my back a few weeks ago was the facia(sp) or scar tissue surrounding my muscles that have been inhibiting my pelvis from moving freely and causing it to torque. In the two weeks that I have been healing, I feel like my hips are finally looking more balanced. I will ask the chiropractor about my theory this morning when I go for my weekly appointment.

I have been wearing my bodybugg every day, and the minimum amount of calories I burn is about 2000. That is basically lying on the couch all day (which I did on Sunday)! If I do 1 hour of exercise and move around normally throughout the day I burn roughly 2700, and on the few days that I go all out with exercise (for me that is 2 hours at the gym with a 1 hour boxing/high cardio running session), I burn approx 3300 calories.

I am really paying attention to this because I can finally see that I have simply been eating too much in the past. If I can stick to the 1400 calories a day mark, I should be ablt to consistently lose 2 - 2.5 lbs a week and that is right on target for my August triathlon.... I am working on visualizing myself running across the finish line at 160 lbs - a strong, athlethic, healthy person.


Update: Went to the Chiro this morning and he once again worked his magic on my back and legs. He has confirmed that the pain I am feeling has nothing to do with the treatments and my body loosening up, it is a muscle tear in my gluteus minimus (I think that's what he called it) I have officially gotten my first sports injury and man is it a pain in the ass.... pa da dum! Another week of rest from doing any lateral movement and I should be good to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you are finally getting relief! Imagine how hard you'll hit the gym when there is no fear of pain!