Friday, January 13, 2012

Great workout and a small victory

After skipping a workout yesterday, I was determined to get to the gym early today. I was there at 6:15 so I had 45 minutes to burn some calories on the treadmill, and then the eliptical, and still have time to do a quick dynamic warm up and get my hands wrapped and ready to go.

Since we are concentrating on cardio (as if boxing isn't enough cardio- lol) I did a warm up drill where I would run on the spot while throwing 8 punches high, then 8 punches low, then run to the end on the gym - then had to do it again increasing the punches to two sets and the run to two lengths, and had to keep doing this until we got up to 10. This is a crazy hard exercise and by the time I am done, I am soaking wet and exhausted. So I get a 2 minute water break and its on to another set of hard punching and footwork exercise and finished it up with inclined plank (my feet are higher than my hands). My calorie burn for the 1hr 45 minute session was 1014calories. By 9:00 when I got I left for work, my calorie burn for the day was already 1500 calories, and my projected calorie burn for today is 3200 calories. That is insane!

So after a long day, I was pretty tired on my drive home and was craving chips and dip.... I never eat dip, so I don't even know where this was coming from.... I made up my mind that I had a big calorie burn and I would buy the chips and dip and be done with it...... I started thinking about it, and visualizing where I want to be in August and eventually talked myself out of it. Instead I bought all the fixings to make pita pizzas. I ate two of them which was a big splurge for me and ended up about 200 calories over my 1400 calorie limit for the day. I worked out how much the chips and dip would have been (lets face it I would have eaten the entire bag and the entire jar of dip) total calories for this 2400. This is a victory for me. Never have I even tried to talk myself out of a binge before.

Feeling pretty good today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is a HUGE victory!