Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Midweek Peek - Progress report

Ummmmm yeah, so it is only Tuesday morning, and since my last post I have stepped on the scale about a gazillion times-lol

Right, I will need to work on this a bit.....

Ate most of my weekly points on Sunday and realized the entire day I was eating out of boredom. I'm still on track though and feeling good..... well except for my arms and shoulders..... have you ever seen Olympic weightlifting where they pull the bar up to shoulder level, and then press the bar up over their head? Google clean and jerk and you will see what I mean. Yup, well that's what I was doing yesterday. I still don't totally have the hang of it, but it's getting better.

Off to get ready for work.


cdblueberry said...

I'm really rather afraid to google "clean and jerk" :P

Unknown said...

LOL Blue, you are too funny..... I googled it, it's fine..... HONEST- lol

Roxanne said...

Don't worry, I peeked too :)