Friday, March 26, 2010

My next fitness challenge is.......

So this morning started out as a regular training session at the gym. We were boxing and working on punching combinations like we always do on Fridays...... and that's when it happened.....

My trainer said "you know what your next fitness challenge should be once you finish your triathlon" My first thought was I had two goals the 5k and the try a try and I never really though past those, so he said " we should put you in a ring for a boxing match" ***insert the sound of a needle scrathing across a record here***** whoaaaaaa, whoaaaaaa, whoaaaaa, wait a second, was I hearing him correctly???

So I stopped to ponder whether or not I was up for this challenge for a quick second (what was running through my mind was my favorite phrase "I can't" and then "your 43 fricken years old" way to old to box) and then a huge grin spread across my face and I thought "fuck yeah" I am up for this challenge!

So it is something on the back burner at the moment, just a new goal, simmering in my head. Just one more thing that I never imagined doing, that is now slowly taking form in my head as something that not only I think I might be able to do, but something I look forward to training hard for and possibly doing pretty well at, as well as a 43 year old with a wicked left hook can do anyway :)


Amanda said...

DO it!!!! that's what they make mouth guards for right lol. You're gonna whoop some!!

cdblueberry said...

HE had been planning this since the pink gloves!

Sneaky sneaky sneaky!

Nicole said...

I say you should GO FOR IT!!!!