Sunday, November 10, 2013

Is Juicing my answer to weight loss???? hmmmm

This is my grocery shop this morning.... a whole bunch of things that I rarely eat.  Today the experiment starts.  Apples, lemons cucumber, carrots kale, spinach, ginger - Can these ingredients truly be the solution to my lifetime struggle with weight?  After stumbling upon the documentary "fat, sick, and nearly dead"  and subsequently reading quite a bit of info found on the internet, I think I'm ready to give it a go. 

I have heard that quite often overeating is caused by our bodies craving of micronutrients - vitamins and minerals that our body needs to keep it healthy.  When eating a diet that is not rich in these micronutrients, our brain signals us to eat more to try and obtain these nutrients.  Because our (my) diet is relatively either processed, or lacking in nutrient rich foods, I am continually eating trying to satisfy this need.  Not sure how accurate this is but it makes sense to me. 

Now, my problem is that I suffer from IBS type symptoms (not "officially" diagnosed), so basically, much of what I eat, whether its macronutrients or micronutrients, goes through my system very quickly and I am told it's too quick for my body to absorb the nutrients in the food.  Fruit and veg is generally very fibrous which does not lend itself well to my IBS.  Now from what I understand, juicing removes the fibre from the fruit and veg and the remaining juice is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream.

My hope is that finding a way to get these much needed micronutrients into my system will curb my brains signal to eat, eat eat..

Now I'm still going to eat one sensible meal a day, perhaps some protein and a bit of unprocessed carbs (like sweet potatoes).

Many people have tried to talk me out of trying this, saying it's not healthy etc.... but neither is carrying an extra hundred pounds of fat, nor is eating fast food 2 to 3 times per week.  So while I'm sure my path will change as I go, I am feeling hopeful that this may help in getting me on a healthy path. 

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