Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson #4- another letter to myself

This lesson was more about telling the not so thin self what you think of her and then writing back to the thin self telling them what you need from them.... I think the whole thing is getting to know yourself....

Dear not so thin me:

Ok, I know I was a bit harsh in my last note, I have actually quite surprised at how angry I was with you. The truth is, I see you as such a good person, I know your family and friends adore you, and I just want you to be confident and love yourself. I see how proud you are of the changes you have made to your body so far, you have inspired others to try and change their own lives and you have accomplished so much in a relatively short period of time. I just think this your time, this is your window of opportunity and want to finish this journey strong. I want you to join me here on the other side where you are strong, fit, are able to wear the most fantastic clothes, and not so thin me – over on this side you will be able to wear the hot stylish high heel shoes too! I know how much you long to wear them J When you join me over here on the thin side, I just know you will be content – truly content, I’ve seen your self confidence soar in the last few years, I just know that is the tip of the iceberg for you. I really am tired of seeing you struggle in this life- you know, letting weight be the one factor that decides almost everything in your life. I want the issue of weight to be a NON factor in your life, so that you can use all of that energy enjoying every moment of the new life that is waiting for you over here. Come on over not so thin me, I am waiting for you and if anyone can do this, it’s you.

Dear thin me:

Thank you for the kind words. I too was a little bit taken aback by the harshness of your words, but I do understand how frustrating it must be to watch me struggle with something that truly looks on the outside to be a simple problem which can be remedied by not eating as much. I do appreciate your words and can tell you that yelling at me and making me feel small is not the way to get me over to the thin side, I need you to be a cheerleader for me, keep re-enforcing the fact I am worth it, I can do it and I will do it. Give me a little push in the mornings when I don’t want to get up and go to the gym…. Be that little voice in my head telling me I really do not need that piece of cake or the second serving. Help me to see myself as beautiful, smart, funny and capable of doing this, and most importantly keep reminding me that I am worth it. I deserve to be the best possible me that I can be and that I am so going to love the freedom that being thin will bring me….. Yes, thin me, I believe it is finally time to unshackle the chains that have held me back for so long….. together, I think we can do this.


Anonymous said...

"you have inspired others to try and change their own lives"

true dat!

I hope you know I never would have even dreamed of going to the gym before I found your blog (and you:)

Unknown said...

Thanks Blue. You definitely inspire me as well :)