Sunday, May 29, 2011

Back at it

Yesterday was a really hard day for me. I ended up giving myself the day to just say "fuck everything" and just let myself be upset. I didn't track any food, or think about exercising, in fact I spent most of the day checking to see if I got an email from a certain someone, (which I didn't and don't really expect to).

Anyway, I got an overwhelming craving for chocolate cake in the afternoon, and tried over and over to put it out of my head, but couldn't, so I went and bought a packaged chocolate cake mix and a can of icing and came home and made a cake. I fully intended to eat the whole damn thing, you know in a stuff down your pain kind of way. Then I realized after eating two pieces, that I was still upset, still in pain and I need to feel the pain in order to let it go. I then did something that I NEVER would have done in the past - I threw the rest of the cake out. Gonzo....

I am strong, and I can get through life's sad moments without turning to binge eating - oh yes I can :)

Today, I am going to a cooking class which focuses on cooking for weight loss and can incorporate gluten free and dairy free options. Looking forward to getting out of the house and learning something new.

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