Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Wish list

I am putting up my Christmas tree today. As I was busy moving the branches about, and getting the decorations ready, I started to think about Christmas and what do I really want for Christmas (as family and friends have been asking for weeks now). I really and truly do not want anything. I have never been big on the commercial aspect of Christmas. I get the most pleasure out of socializing and re-connecting with friends and family that we rarely get to see during the busy year.

The only thing that I want is to succeed in becoming fit and healthy. Then an idea began to form in my head. I am not one to set any goals for myself because I tend to feel horrible when I fail, but I thought it might work wonders for me if I actually set a goal and rather than assume I will fail, push myself harder than ever in order to succeed, hmmmm now there is a thought that is foreign to me- lol.

So my goal is to lose 10 lbs by December 31, 2010. My starting weight is 237.2 so I need to see my weight get down to 227.2 by the end of this year and will put me in a good position to get to start off my new block of personal training sessions in January. I will be on vacation from the middle of December until the end of the year, so I should have a lot of time to spend at the gym and planning healthy meals. I will continue to remind myself that the holidays is about catching up with friends and family, and is NOT about overeating.

Has anyone else set any challenges to keep you on track over the holidays? Have you in the past? Has it worked? Post a comment and let me know.


Anonymous said...

I am the same way, I could care less about the presents. I've asked for healthy things, like sneakers and some new cookbooks.

I have a plan, first of all I'm coming back into town for a meeting on xmas and NY's eve no matter what.

The food part, I'm still planning, it's difficult when you aren't in your own home.

The lack of exercise scares me. I'll be 100kms from the gym on unwalkable roads due to ice.

Have a wonderful long vacation!

Laurie said...

Ditto for me. I could care less about the presents and have no idea what to tell my husband when he asks me what I want. I already bought myself a new hockey stick so what else is there???

I'll be away over Christmas visiting family and have no control over what they prepare foodwise (I do have control over my choices and if I have to, I will buy food for myself). I'm focusing on staying active and I even signed up to do a 5k race while we are visiting. Of course the whole family has signed up with me so that will be fun.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the input ladies. I guess where there is a will, there is a way right. In the past I've always given myself a break at Christmas and hoovered in everything that wasn't nailed down. I am going to try a new approach, and give myself the gift of a healthy body this year ;)

Look at us chicks happy with sneakers and hockey sticks and boxing gloves for Christmas..... We rock!