Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekly weigh in and a Happy Belated Rebirth-Day

After Meeting Update-
Weight Watchers Start weight - 250 lbs
Current weight - 237.2
Weekly loss + 0.8
Weight Watcher Loss to date- 12.8

Total Loss(start date JUN 08 276): 38.8

Not too sure what happened this week, my food intake has been on track, the only difference is that I have been just stretching at the gym, no hard core cardio workouts. I will up the cardio this week and see what happens.

November 8 marked my 2 year anniversary of quitting smoking. The best part for me is that I forgot the date and this signifies to me that smoking truly is no longer a part of my life- thoughts of smoking never cross my mind,and I do not crave a cigarette - period. I have taken a moment today to think about my decision to walk into a hypnotherapists office and be open minded enough to think that being hypnotized could help me to quit smoking. It worked and I will always think of that day (even though I forgot it- haha) as my rebirth- day, that was the beginning of change for me, that was the first step.

So, Happy Rebirth-day to me :)


Sephgirl said...

Sharon, by now you know that the scale doesn't always reflect the effort you have made. I'm sure it will show up next week.

As for your rebirthday - congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Happy Re-birthday :)

I agree with Seph, that damn scale doesn't always do what it should, it will show soon!