Saturday, June 13, 2009

Two steps back

Yesterday morning I had a weigh in. I was actually 1lb more than I was at my last weigh in. I was very disappointed but tried to keep focusing on the fact that my body IS transforming regardless of the weight gain. I did manage to lose 3lbs of fat which is great. Today, I am regrouping, I need to get my focus back and think about all of the reasons I am going through this journey. I am off to stock up on groceries and plan out my meals for the next week. I have promised my trainer that I would track everything for the next week so that we can see what changes I can make to my diet.

I have to say, that after the weigh in portion I only had a 30 minute session left and BJ totally kicked my ass, 30 minutes of hard core lunges (while holding a medicine ball over my head) and squats, while doing boxing punches holding 2lb weights) plus in between that I was running around the gym, or doing another high knees exercise that was very intense. I wonder if this was payback from my trainer for the 1lb gain....... hmmmmmmm.


cdblueberry said...

You lost 3 pounds of fat!!!
Which means you gained 4 pounds of water or muscle or bone or something that's NOT fat!!!

Maybe the lactic acid is built up in your muscles and you are retaining water which will cause a gain?

In either case, um, you lost 3 pounds of fat!!!


Nicole said...

3lbs of fat....I'll trade you for a gain of no loss of fat *laughs*

Just the fact that you working with a trainer is great. My WW leader says when you do new activity it can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks to show the difference!!!!

Hang In There!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks guys, you totally counteract the devil sitting on my shoulder- you know the one who constantly tries to sabotage our efforts -lol.