Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gym- Status Update #1

So this morning I did a progress weigh in. So thie first one was done 2 mos ago. i am happy to say that I have lost 10 lbs, 8 of which is pure fat (my body fat index went down). As well I gained a bit of muscle mass AND I lost 6 inches in total. 2 from my hips alone. Yeah, I feel awesome about this. BJ, my trainer sat at his desk and was comparing the stats to my starting stats, I was sitting behind him putting my socks and shoes back on and he jumped up and ran over and gave me a big hug- lol. He was more excited than I was....

Anyway, onward and downward. My next weigh in is in two weeks and my goal is to go to the gym at least for 2 extra hours a week, over and above my 3 training sessions.

3 more weeks until my cruise, I am feeling GOOD!


cdblueberry said...

Woot! Way to work it. Hmmmm, I'm still not brave enough to try a gym but you are inspiring me :)

Unknown said...

Blueberry. HONESTLY, it is the best thing I've ever done for my self confidence and for my weight loss efforts. I was literally hyperventilating the first time I went in for a consult and now i have other members cheering me on!

It has changed my perspective on what I am capable of and increased my self esteem so much as well. When I read you r blogs, you remind me sooooo much of me :)

Nicole said...

Holy Crow Sharon that's amazing!!! I wish I had the money to do the whole "trainer" thing!!!!