Sunday, December 28, 2008

50 days smoke free

It's all over! I honestly was not into the whole Christmas thing this year and I am glad it is over. I think my friends and family are a bit concerned by this(although they don't say so outright) and I worry that they fear I am sad or depressed, but honestly I feel like I am on standing at the threshold of something bigger in my life, I have really begun the journey to find the real me as my blog is titled and it excites me and it scares me to death.

As previously posted I quit smoking back on November 8, 2008. Today I am 50 days smoke free. I admit that I am super excited about this because it really is the first thing in a long long time that I have done to make myself proud. I am feeling great and have no fear that I will ever go back to smoking which is a great thing, but even more exciting is there has emerged a new inner voice which is drowning out that negative voice that used to constantly whisper inside me telling me "you will fail, you can't do this, you've NEVER succeeded at anything you have tried". Oh yes, this new voice is not whispering it is screaming out to me and telling me "AFTER 28 YEARS YOU HAVE QUIT SMOKING - GIRL, IF YOU CAN DO THAT, YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING".

So I am back, there is lots more to write about with regard to my ongoing hypnosis sessions, there are feelings that have been brought to the surface which have made me upset, unsettled and scared, but I know I need to deal with these things in order to move forward and as scary as it is to open up and talk about the mental aspects of being overweight, I believe that is the key to changing my eating, changing my body and changing my life.

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